22 things you can do to feel good and be happy in 2022



No matter how cloudy the situation today is, there’s still a possibility that 2022 could be the best year of your life. It’s not about the circumstances. It’s more about the choices you make and how you react (or not) to the things that happen around you.

Here’s my traditional annual sharing of random things I believe would be key for us to stay joyful and feeling good.

Most of these are notes to myself and I thought you might find some value in them too, so I share.

1. Manage distractions

Forget time management. Few minutes of distractions, when put together, amounts to a significant time gone.

2. Cancel the cancel culture

Be more objective instead. Choose to love, not hate.

3. Walk away from Marites

Surround yourself with people who talk about ideas and growth, not people who talk and gossip about other people.

Sorry, “Marites.”

4. Don’t feel guilty about having downtimes

Rest and relaxation should be part of the process.

5. Be mindful of your priorities

Pay careful attention and respect your priorities to avoid conflicts.

6. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Even champions have to lose some games.

7. Equally care about physical & mental health

Don’t sit all day. Move. And, strive to have enough time for sleep.

8. Compare yourself only to who you were yesterday

Not to someone else today. Comparing with others is not the right analogy.

9. Say no

Decline irrelevant invites. Say no even to good opportunities so you could say yes to great ones.

10. Keep doin’ small acts of kindness

Never belittle the kindness you put out there, no matter how small they may seem when put together, they makes a difference.

11. Drop the entitlement mentality

Don’t go to the counter if you’re not yet ready to order. People don’t have all day to wait for you.

Be considerate.

12. Process things before reacting

You don’t need to react to everything, and you don’t need to be first if you have to. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

13. Be more present

Put the phone down when you are with people. Put premium on relationships.

14. Don’t let people’s opinion affect you

Your value isn’t based on what others say about you.

15. Be thankful at all times

There is at least one thing, big or small, that you can be grateful for each day.

16. Be careful who to listen to

Not everyone who sounds smart is wise. If you want to restore relationships, listen to those who speak restoration. If you want to manage your money, listen to financial advocates with wisdom and heart.

17. Choose to forgive every day

Do not store up unnecessary baggage you’ll keep throughout the year.

18. Do less

Avoid overcomplicating and overthinking things. Reserve your time to what matters most.

19. Add humor to your dailies

Life is much easier with a sense of humor.

20. Guard your peace of mind

Never do anything that will break your precious peace of mind.

21. Deal with your negative emotions

Do not run away from them. To get past it, you have to go through it.

22. Imagine what could go right, instead of what could go wrong

Let your faith be bigger than your fears. Just focus on what you can control and entrust the rest to God.

Bonus: Form good habits & break bad ones

Read Atomic Habits by James Clear. You can buy it from Amazon for only AED 43.

Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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