7 cool and instagrammable Filipino restaurants in Dubai

If hip and cozy ambiance add more life to your appetite, these Pinoy hot spots are sure hit for you. Why not,...

When a kid from Dubai discovers Manila for (almost) the first time

Every trip to Philippines is a homecoming for us. For the little one, Aya, who's born and is growing up in Dubai, the trip...

50+ Practical ways to save money in Dubai

People come to Dubai for money. Inelegant as it may sound, it is the bitter-sweet reality for many. According to respected financial advocate and personal...

LBC launches new services the smart way

The OFW tradition of sending cargo boxes to the Philippines won't just go. LBC knows it best. Unlike other shipments, these balikbayan...

Of Blogging & Blogs, Filipino Bloggers in Dubai Growing in Numbers

We are not journalists.We don't work for someone. We don't get visas for blogging.We are not are guided by policies but by ethics. We...

3 things you need to know about Philippine elections in Dubai

UPDATE (May 4):Voting schedule at the Philippine Consulate Dubai is extended:May 5, 6, 7, 8 - 8am til 12MIDNIGHTMay 9 - 5am til 1pm------UAE...

Random reasons why OFWs can relate to #AlDub

We, OFWs have all the reasons to find our stories in the phenomenal AlDub hit. We naturally live in split screen relationships.  Having our...

You’re the boss with TFC IPTV Video on Demand device | How to win one

It's been 3 years of not having any Filipino channels at home, and here we are using the latest gadget from TFC for almost...

Google launches a heartwarming video for Filipinos abroad

Yesterday at the Metro, I heard a mom talking to her child in the Philippines. She was smiling and so excited..."Oh, kumusta Christmas party...

8 highs and 8 lows in my 8 years in Dubai

    Before I even step afoot here in Dubai, I told myself to just give it 2 years max and I'll return home. Without any...

The misuse and abuse of ‘Proud to be Pinoy’

The Misuse of Pride I bet it's not only me who's sick and tired and tired and sick of the widespread misuse and abuse of...


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