What to do on your date night as husband and wife

what to do on date nights Dubai

I went back to Sundays to Thursdays workweek, and so we went back to Friday breakfast dates.

These days, when people say they are dating, they refer to the “getting to know” stage.

Maybe society is not used to seeing husbands and wives date often as they do before they get married.

We do. Thank God we have the opportunity to do this just alone with each other.

When you’re already married, this is not a date where you impress your spouse with how much you spend on fancy food, how well you dress, or how cool you make your hair. Most likely, you already know everything about each other – where you’re good at, and where not.

We call it an ‘accountability date.’ It’s talking about your roles as husband and wife for the past week or so.

What to talk about during date nights?

We start by sharing the highlights of our week. Then we ask questions like:

  • How has our relationship been this past week?
  • How can I improve as a husband/wife? We rate each other between 1-5 so we can gauge how to improve.
  • What are your plans and how can I support and help you?
  • What has God been teaching or dealing with you?

During the conversation, we do not defend ourselves against what the other says. It’s more about listening intently to what your spouse shares. The goal is to have a takeaway about how you can improve (or sustain being good at your role).

And yes, no phones at the table, except when it’s time for selfies.

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