Eye-opening realizations about working abroad


Working abroad brings a mix of opportunities and challenges, changing people’s mindsets in many ways. For many Filipinos, these experiences teach important lessons about growing as a person, being careful with money, and valuing community and faith.

Here are some key realizations from those who have lived far from home.

  1. You change (in a good way). Living and working with different cultures gives you new and enriching perspectives.
  2. You can’t do it alone. Build real friendships. Join the right community where everyone celebrates each other’s successes. Where the purpose is to grow together; where you won’t be judged for your failures but will help you get back up.
  3. Money is magical. It can be gone in a snap if you’re not mindful of your spending, if you’re not conscious of where you put it – especially in Dubai. Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time (the Bible says so).
  4. Trust few people. You cannot trust all the sob stories you hear. Be discerning. Hindi lang kabayan ang mapagkakatiwalaan. And, hindi din porke’t kabayan, mapagkakatiwalaan.
  5. Never burn bridges. You never know who or what will help you in the future. It’s not worth cutting ties completely.
  6. It’s not all sacrifice. Some thrive working abroad, some don’t. Working away from home can be hard, but working in the Philippines (or your home country) has its own challenges too.
  7. Prayer is your best weapon. No positive thinking or self-help book can replace your relationship with the Lord. When everything seems to be falling apart, prayer provides comfort, enabling you to navigate much wiser through your circumstances.
  8. Peace of mind is more important than piece of money. Any amount of money that takes away your peace of mind is not worth it.

These realizations underline the true essence of working abroad. Being away from our comfort zone oftentimes makes the journey as valuable as the destination.

Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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