I invested in running – even if they cost so much in Dubai


I ran 35 races last year.

I wanted to get fit and feel better about myself. But every time I plan, I struggle to start. One time I’d say “I will start exercising tomorrow, or next month, or at new year,” but it never happened. I will always have excuses.

So, I decided to join organized running events that require me to pay to register. (And these races in Dubai cost a fortune, huh.)

And because I paid, I was more motivated to do it and prepare for it. Else, money would go to waste.

Second thoughts

The first race was really tough. I was catching my breath; and finished among the last runners. I was very tired, and I even thought about quitting several times along the way.

The same thoughts came back during the next few races. One voice was telling me to quit, and another was saying I can do it.

Every run presented different challenges, opportunities to push my limits, and a chance to accomplish something remarkable. Eventually, consistently joining these races helped me become stronger, both physically and mentally.

Halfway through last year, I was already enjoying it. Every finish made me very happy. It’s like seeing beautiful results from hard work.

Everything I learned from those runs became so valuable that I used those lessons in other aspects of my life. When things are hard, I just look back at how I go through the races—how I condition my mind and how I draw strength from the Lord to finish well.

Investing in ourselves

When you’re very invested in something, you will do everything you can to accomplish it, no matter how challenging the process may be.

Being invested in something does not only mean putting money into it. It’s about spending time and effort on things we want to make better. Like working on a better relationship, learning to be smarter about money, or simply acquiring new skills.

Indeed, the best investment we can make is in ourselves.

So, what will you invest in (your time, effort, or money) today?

Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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