Not all airline employees get the same benefits


When people learn I worked for this airline, it always sparks big reactions.

They say…

“Wow, unlimited travels!”

“Amazing benefits!”

“Malaki sweldo for sure!”

What they didn’t know was that I was an outsourced employee, so I didn’t receive the benefits that typical airline employees did.

I didn’t get discounts on flights. I had no competitive medical insurance, which meant I couldn’t afford to visit top hospitals due to lack of coverage. My pay was also lower by a margin compared to that of a direct hire.

I could only enjoy the benefits if the airline promoted me to permanent employment.

But year after year, for four years, no permanency happened.

Don’t get me wrong. The work was great. I had the chance to work on interesting projects. I learned a lot from my colleagues. I made lots of friends for keeps too.

The only issue was the outsourcing setup.

Unexpected opportunity

Then… Seemingly out of nowhere, another company reached out to me on LinkedIn and offered an opportunity.

(I wasn’t looking; I was waiting for the opportunity inside.)

Their offer included a salary that was more than double my current earnings from the agency. Flight allowances for the whole family and comprehensive medical coverage were also part of the deal.

Plus, it was a better role.

So what I had been waiting to achieve inside, I found outside.

Sometimes, the wait is just as important as the destination.

Key takeaway: Patience is key, and an updated LinkedIn too

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Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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