Ode to 2017

I’ve done silly things in the past and I was stupid. I’m broke and I live in a dysfunctional world. I’m not perfect and at times I feel not deserving to be carrying out a sacred mission. I am a sinner. But with God’s unconditional love and unending grace, he has made me WORTHY to carry on.
“Doing business with God” does not entitle us of a smooth sail. As they say, it’s tough to live a real Christian life, albeit a doable one. Striving to live a righteous life is an everyday agenda. It’s a joy to use our God-given rationale to discern things accordingly. While we are not spared from challenges and struggles, we allow ourselves to be lead by His direction so we would be equipped with the right principles and perspective in facing the tough road ahead.

I will continue to witness for the goodness and kindness of the Lord in my own challenge-filled life.

Philippians 2:13 says, “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

I am worthy. We all are worthy.

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