“This quarantine has been tough. Let’s bake a cake or make some cookies…”
In a short period of time, baking has become an obvious stress reliever to many wives and moms all over the world.
“Baking Boom” or “Anxiety Baking” (whatever we want to call it) seems like a rising phenomenon during the lockdown as evidenced by the massive surge of posts on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #QuarantineBaking. Flour becoming out-of-stock is another strong evidence too.
Our household is not spared. My wife took this lockdown as an opportunity to finally start what she’s been wanting to do for years. She did it not out of stress though. It’s more about using that little extra time since I started working from home. She got more inspiration to do it as the kids give her louder cheers. (If you could only hear the cheers)
I saw her intentionality in researching, watching videos, and asking people. What’s even better is, Aya cheerfully gets involved too. In fact, she’s the most excited. In ONE month, these are all what Raqz has baked.
Double layer chocolate moist cake with choco cream cheese filling Banana cake with chips Slice of cake with cream cheese filling The assistant Blueberry muffins Banana muffin with choco chips Chocolate crinkles Soft chocolate muffins with cream frosting The best cheese crinkles in the world
She knows I have a sweet tooth (and the kids too) – so that makes it even more encouraging to continue baking and trying new recipes one after the other. Surprisingly, all her first takes were so good. Now, her to-do list grows longer every day.

It gives me joy seeing the light in her eyes as her long-time desire to bake for the family is getting fulfilled – and not stopping any time soon.
Our love tank is always full!
#QuarantineBaking is real
My mom, who has stopped baking for about decades already reconnects to her well-loved passion by revisiting her old recipes to pick what her grandkids would love. Now, she also bakes traditional bread and cakes these days like pandesal, cheese buns, tasty loaf, and more.
We don’t buy bread as much as we did before anymore.
Since then, there’s this mouth-watering scent that lingers inside the house. ‘Amoy panaderia na sa amin, mapapasinghot ka sa sarap…‘
Launching the new you
Life is such a dough. It gets battered, rolled and flattened. In the end, it gets formed into a shape and put in extreme heat. But after all the beating, it comes out as a wonderfully-made sweet thing that satisfies.
See, quarantine is not all about getting stressed with what’s happening outside, it gives also an opportunity to make things happen inside.
It could even launch the new you.