Tech careers that COVID-19 isn’t destroying


The Covid-19 pandemic caused millions of people to lose their jobs as the economy crumbled. Not everyone was lucky enough to have their job reinstated when business picked up again. Companies are closely watching their budgets and looking to outsourcing and automation to keep themselves afloat. Very few jobs or companies were safe from the economic downturn. Even top tech companies like Airbnb and Uber cut significant portions of their workforce.

The pandemic caused companies to change their approach to an economy that was dramatically different than the beginning of 2020. While the new approach to the economy is causing people to lose their jobs, it’s also creating new opportunities. Agile companies will quickly build new roles and teams to meet their customers’ demands and release new products. 

Virtual Event Planners are now in demand

Many companies weren’t expecting such a dramatic change to work culture from the pandemic. Many were hoping employees would be returning to the office after a few weeks. Since a great number of companies are still working from home, virtual events need to take place to keep up company morale, celebrate successes, and build connections between coworkers. 

Companies are still finding ways to celebrate success during Covid-19 and want to celebrate the work employees are putting despite the hardships of working remotely. Online events can be hard to put together and involve lots of planning for the technical aspects to keep presentations flowing. 

Companies are investing in keeping their data safe

All companies want to keep their online communications safe from the prying eyes of cybercriminals. Criminals who want to hack into company servers for credit card numbers or other sensitive data only need to be right once to illegally access secure data. Companies need to thwart every threat that comes their way to keep the trust of their consumers. One data breach could spell disaster. 

To keep cybercriminals at bay, companies hire cybersecurity engineers. Cybersecurity roles are different from company to company as each business has unique needs. In general, cybersecurity specialists improve systems and infrastructure to make programs, servers, and apps safe. 

Companies often employ moral hackers as part of the cybersecurity team to test for vulnerabilities. When moral hackers find weaknesses in a company’s cyber defense, the team will work to fix the weakness. 

Every industry uses Data Analysis

The companies in the Dow Jones and S&P 500 represent the top companies across all industries. All of these companies made it to the top because they focus their efforts on winning strategies. These strategies don’t come from people with psychic abilities; they come from decisions based on data. The collection, analysis, and understanding of a company’s data will lead to success more often than not. 

This new interest in data makes becoming a data scientist a career that will be safe during Covid-19 or any event that slows down the economy. Data science is a growing career field because companies have more data than they know what to do with. A data scientist spends their day creating algorithms and organizing data for business leaders to make informed decisions. 

All Internet activity creates data—how a user ended up on a certain page, what page they visited afterward, and how long they spent on it. These forms of data help companies turn visitors into customers by changing sites so that users are engaged.  

People are learning tech skills to take advantage of new opportunities

Across all industries, technology plays a central role in the execution of business. Whether it’s improving processes, creating apps to increase accessibility, or communication via video chat, it’s hard to imagine a successful company that doesn’t have employees monitoring and altering a technology plan. For this reason, learning computer science skills is a safe way to ensure a lifelong career that will always be in demand. 

As remote work becomes more prevalent and teams spread out globally, tech roles will become more important to keep a business moving forward. Tech was important before the pandemic, but now it is absolutely critical for daily functions. Those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic are learning how to get their start in tech and become computer science hero.

It’s not too late to start a tech career

Tech jobs will continue to be in demand by employers for a long while. Luckily, it doesn’t take a college degree and it doesn’t’ take years either. Coding boot camps are helping single moms, career changers, and everyone in between find their way into a tech career that suits them. 

Photo from unsplash

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