We’ve been buying second hand and we’re saving money


I used to not like second-hand stuff for personal reasons but surprisingly, there are many Dubai residents selling pre-loved items in really good condition.

The past 3 months, we’ve ‘hoarded’ many of them – bed frames, tables, crib and stroller of high-end brands, and some toys.

It saves us a ton of money. SERIOUSLY. Instead of paying for the price of new ones, we pay only about 10% (or even less) of the original cost. Not only that, we get to buy high-quality brands that we wouldn’t even consider buying brand new because of price.

Our conditions are simple:

  • Not used for a long time
  • Still useful
  • Clean and in an acceptable state
  • Promotes sustainability

We then clean it thoroughly before use. In the case of baby items, we brought them to a stroller spa to be cleaned and be sanitized properly.

Most of the sellers we bought from were families who only had to stay in Dubai for a short time. They had to leave the country because they are only here for a project assignment. So that speaks to why many items remain in good condition.

With careful attention to details (and a bit of interview) buying second-hand items can be a great way to save money – while still getting the items you need.

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Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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