Why we’re not migrating to Canada?


I’ve been asked many times if I consider moving to Canada.

I really respect those who have made the tough choice to move and restart life in Canada. It takes a lot of courage. But for me, staying in Dubai makes more sense right now. Here’s my perspective.

I may be speaking from some point of privilege, but by God’s grace, life here has been stable (after many years of struggle). I have a good job in a thriving industry that covers our needs and offers great benefits. We love the healthcare, and it’s generally safe and still (income) tax-free. So it’s not a smart move to leave it all behind.

Plus, we’ve been investing for over 10 years (thanks to attending money talks).

Many people are drawn to Canada for benefits like free education, healthcare, and pensions (at the expense of 20–30% tax). I totally get that. But I believe I can achieve my goals where I’m currently at. That’s why I’m doing things that increase my income to prepare for those future expenses, such as kids’ education.

I also invest in staying healthy. I watch what I eat, go to the gym, take care of my mental well-being. The best way to beat healthcare expenses is to do the work to (hopefully) never need to do too many hospital visits.

Government policies are temporary. They can change at any time. That’s why I’d rather not depend solely on government entitlements for my retirement (UAE and Philippines included). Of course, pensions and other benefits are great!

Is studying to move to Canada worth it?

Some people go to Canada by way of studying—only because it’s one pathway to permanent residency. They had to wait up to two years to finish without guaranteeing they’d find a good job afterward.

The ‘essence’ of studying is lost. Shouldn’t we study because we want to learn and grow? If it were me, I would rather take short courses or learn new skills I can use to make money online. In this age of digital and AI, we can earn money wherever we are. We just need to upskill.

I’ve heard stories of people in Canada juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet. Much respect! I can’t see myself doing that. I’d rather spend my time with my wife and kids than work extra jobs. Family time is priceless, and I don’t want to compromise that.

Money is important, but it isn’t everything. Earning a lot to pay bills and having no time with family makes no sense.

That’s why, I look for side hustles that can bring in extra income without taking away family time.

We’re not a really well-off family. We just happen to have some savings and have made investments earlier that are now starting to pay off.

A piece of advice before deciding to move to Canada

Moving to Canada has pros and cons. Some people don’t have to endure the situations I described. For some, it works; for others, it does not.

Yes, you might find higher income in Canada. But remember, it’s not about what you earn; it’s about what you save.

Migrating is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. Intentionally pray about it. Ask God to give you peace of mind as you contemplate where to settle and retire. Inner peace is one sign that God is guiding you towards the right decision.

It’s not just the weather, government, or entitlements in Canada. Yes, it’s about your circumstances and goals too, but in the end, it’s about what matters most to you.

Ask yourself… Do you want to work 16 hours a day or spend more time with the family?

Life is too short. You can always make more money, but you cannot get back lost time.

What do you think about moving to Canada? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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