21 principles to embrace to live a joyful life in 2021


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1. Celebrate other people’s happiness

Rejoice even with their small wins.

2. Be the crab that pushes people up

Reverse the crabmentality.

3. Know your why & always remind yourself about it

Be purpose-driven.

4. “Lower your expectations, increase your appreciation” – Peter Tan-Chi

Recognize goodness in everything.

5. Always have an attitude of gratitude

There’s always something to be thankful for every day.

6. Do more of what adds value to others

Be useful and selfless.

7. Do more of what sparks joy in yourself

Don’t forget to love yourself.

8. Strive for progress, not perfection

Consistency is key.

9. Be proactive, not reactive

Prevention, not remedy, is always better.

10. Enjoy the little things

Great things start small.

11. Have a vision and focus on your own path

Life without direction leads to the wrong section.

12. Do the right thing at all times

…even when no one’s watching.

13. It’s never too late to make that dream come true

Start and be someone no one thought you could be.

14. Imagine what could go right, not what could go wrong

Worrying is the opposite of imagination.

15. Pause if you may, but don’t stop

Do not underestimate the importance of rest; (but do not overuse it as well).

16. Always give the benefit of the doubt

Don’t judge. Everyone’s fighting their own battle.

17. Choose to be happy every single day

Happiness is a choice.

18. Choose your battles wisely

Not all fights are worth fighting for.

19. Have a forgiving heart

Forgiveness brings healing and peace. Trust the process.

20. If things seem tough, it’s okay to just survive

To be able to survive is enough.

21. Trust in the lord with all your heart

Seek his lead and lean not on your own understanding.

Photo from pexels.
Ion Gonzaga, a.k.a. "Boy Dubai" is a no-nonsense authority blogger and storyteller. He is known to "say things many people cannot say." He's also a UX designer, runner, cyclist, a big fan of basketball.

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