If she’s cooking, I’m washing the dishes.
If she’s drying the clothes, I’m taking them off the rack.
If she’s cleaning the house, I’m taking the garbage out.
If she’s washing the poop, I’m changing the diaper.
When I’m working, she’s homeschooling.
When I’m writing, she’s proofreading.
When I’m stressed, she’s my therapy.
When I fall short, she forgives.
And at times I have too much on my plate, she’s there to take them to her already overflowing platter.

Marriage is a partnership, right?
While we know our roles, we’re not limiting. It’s not about who the man or the woman; not about who does the bigger tasks. It’s about making ourselves available should the other does not have the capacity.
It’s about being selfless
Today, on our 13th anniversary, among the things we celebrate is how our marriage continues to be the best partnership and collaboration ever between the THREE OF US – God, myself, and my wife.